Our Meals
We provide nutritious and high quality food, cooking without the use of salt and limiting sugar. We aim to use free range produces and many ingredients are organic.Our ethos on nursery Meals
We provide nutritious and high quality food, cooking without the use of salt and limiting sugar.
We aim to use free range produces where possible and many ingredients are organic.
We will provide breakfast, morning snack, lunch and a light tea.
A vegetarian alternative is available and special dietary requirements may be catered for.
Only Water to drink is available during the day.
A summer and winter menu has been devised.
The 2 year olds and over help to lay the tables for lunch using table cloths and crockery in a family style, and will serve themselves.
Cups will be used at mealtimes with all the children pouring their own water from a jug.
Crockery not plastic plates & bowls are used for all age groups.
We have a food and drink policy and also a cup policy.
Part of the early years nutritional partnership
We are part of the early years nutritional partnership with our menus carefully balanced for the correct nutrition.
Two staff members have Cache level 3 nutrition certificates and all staff have level 2 food hygiene.
Our chef is qualified to city & guilds level and has level 3 food hygiene.
We aim to be an eco friendly nursery, using cleaners, soap and washing detergents which are not harmful to the environment.